Leading a Sustainable Business
Gain skills to develop and lead outdoor recreation ventures.
The Leading a Sustainable Business in the Outdoor Recreation Economy certificate provides the knowledge and tools necessary to better integrate sophisticated leadership, business acumen and sustainability into outdoor recreation industry operations.
You will gain the theoretical, managerial and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills required for successfully developing, managing and leading outdoor recreation ventures. This certificate is designed to address a growing need within the outdoor recreation industry for graduate-level education focused specifically on the business of the Outdoor Recreation Economy.
This certificate can be taken as a standalone offering or as part of the Master of Science in Outdoor Recreation Economy program.
At the end of this certificate, you should have:
- an in-depth knowledge of the outdoor recreation industry;
- skills and knowledge in leadership, business, corporate social responsibility, community engagement and support and corporate environmental sustainability;
- the ability to meet workforce needs of an increasingly diverse, complex and international outdoor recreation industry;
- the awareness to identify opportunities for new business development in the outdoor recreation economy;
- the knowledge to apply entrepreneurial concepts to the creation of an outdoor recreation venture;
- the skills to critically examine and implement industry best practices in the development of an outdoor industry venture; and
- communicate in a professional manner to relevant outdoor recreation stakeholder groups.
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Course Descriptions
Visit the University Catalog for a complete summary of the program as well as its requirements, course descriptions and learning outcomes.