Course Descriptions
The program is delivered in a hybrid online and in-person format. Complete the certificate in two semesters, with one online course in the spring and one in the summer, plus a one-week summer intensive with the Colorado Shakespeare Festival:
Capstone Project
The program culminates in the completion of your own Applied Shakespeare capstone project, in which you create a presentation, workshop, paper, solo performance or script that intersects Shakespeare with a topic, specific population or social issue of your choosing. You have up to one month following the intensive to complete and submit your individual capstone project.
Online courses meet synchronously to facilitate discussion, but recordings of each class are posted in Canvas and available for review following the scheduled class time for students unavailable for real-time classes.
Standalone Courses
You also have the option to take any course independently of the certificate program for three graduate credits per course. Dive into a particular facet of applied Shakespeare or test out the program before committing. If you are interested in this option, please email us at
Teaching Shakespeare is another course available to students interested in learning how to make Shakespeare accessible to all students. It is offered online each fall semester. The course can be used to supplement the in-person one week summer intensive if you would like to make the certificate a fully online experience; however, the availability of this course depends on sufficient enrollment.